I know over the past couple months, a few people have been trying to get a hold of me to no avail, I was jumping back & forth between NY and Fla, trying to wrap up my father's estate.....FINALLY, if looks like it's all tied up neat & pretty, and things can start settling in, back to what passes for normal here!
I finally have a couple of my helpers back, now that the Co-Vid mandates have been relaxed, which also means, on top of catching up, I can actually start moving ahead with some of the projects that have been on hold for over a year now.
Thanks to everybody for their patience & understanding through this bizarre phase. We still haven't re-located, the whole Co-Vid thing made visiting towns & seeing potential places difficult, if not downright impossible. Hopefully, I can get that all sorted out soon enough, but for now, the MOST important thing is: Big Chief Barclay is back in the saddle!
Great to hear your news. Good luck!
Great to hear. Take time and enjoy a few moments of peace each day.