Results of Big Chief Barclay's "Planning Pow-Wow"
Back in the shop & office, FINALLY!! Got sick on my vacation, so I put off coming back for a few days, then had to take a quick business trip. Well, now that I'm back, here's some ideas I've been bouncing around, and hopefully you'll get to see some of them this year!
- Replacement parts: I keep getting bombarded with emails from people looking for skis, helmets, etc.....So, there will be a replacement parts section added to the website! Since I make the molds, there will be no "cast" parts available, like rifle tips, heads, arms, etc, because the castings from my new molds will not be size compatible with the original figures you may be repairing.
- Vehicles: I know many of you have seen them sporadically at the toy & train shows I attend, but this year I hope to really get the vehicles nailed down!
- "Accessories" : I hope to expand into this area, with road-side billboards, fences, etc. The main problem with this is, Britains and so many of the old companies pumped out so much of this stuff, that many customers would rather spend the couple extra bucks, to get an original piece....still thinking about this...The billboards ARE under way, I will put them up as they are completed. If you see one you like, jump on it, because they'll more or less be "one offs" that I'll be making as time permits.
- More Blown Glass Ornaments!
- More figures all around!
- People have been asking about a return of the "Vintage Village" of now, I still haven't found a suitable supplier
Anyway, just wanted to touch base with you, now I have to run out & meet the little guy's bus.....