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Dimensions: 4"H x 4.75"W x 3"D .

   This stunning hand-carved German snowman smoker features forest animals and an incense cone inside and the smoke comes out of the structure when the smoker is working.

  A Smoker is in fact a decorative, German incense burner. In German they are called Räuchermänner, literally "Smoking Men." As you will see, they can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, even Mushrooms and Log Cabins!

  They add to the atmosphere of any room whether you use them as an incense burner or just for decoration. Our Dregeno and Christian Ulbricht German Smokers for incense are great as a gift or as the final touch for your Christmas decorating.

Christian Ulbricht Incense Burner - Snowman

SKU: 170

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